About the project

Climate change and environmental degradation are an existential threat to everywhere, incl. Northern Europe. To overcome these challenges, new modern, resource-efficient Circular Economy (CE) or Green Business strategies are needed to be implemented in us much business as possible. The challenge with this commitment is that not very much easy usable information is available on HOW to switch to Green direction. Education systems at all levels do not catch up with the demand for education in Circular Economy. CE is a very complex issue, involving multi-disciplinary ideas and solutions (e.g. resource extraction, transportation, production, consumption, distribution, waste management, social norms), it requires new approaches in accounting, financial reporting, duties of investors, requiring a shift in teaching methods and content
Overall the development of the project consists of three main stages - development of the StoryBoard of the e-learning course module, technical development of the e-learning course module in specific software and main dissemination activities of the project results.
1) StoryBoard development is mainly collection of all necessary theoretical and practical content that will be presented in the e-learning module.
2) Technical implementation. E-learning course module will be developed with modern authoring tool, which are covered with creative and catching templates that are supported by all most popular Learning Management Systems and supports SCORM, which are important factors if this ecourse in future will become a part of mandatory curricula in the higher education institutions.
3) The dissemination and exploitation of results and communication activities will be based on participatory approach of all partners and stakeholders. The dissemination is a process of diffusion and a mechanism to guarantee a feedback from the users during all relevant project stages. The dissemination activities start from the first month of the project with the preparation of the detailed dissemination action plan and will continue for the entire duration of the project and over the conclusion.
Project aim
The project aim is to help business start-ups to be greener from the whole beginning, with help of modern, digital and interactive e-learning course module on Green Business - "Shape it Green". It is much easier to start Green than to change existing business entity.